Friday, August 28, 2020

Essay on Gender Equality Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On Gender Equality - Essay Example Not simply the physical contrasts of these two, even at their physiological reactions and to different fields. The general public is simply having misguided judgment about the distinctions of the two genders that is the reason clashes emerge. We can look carefully to how we can interface these two genders. In any case, to improve on the off chance that we perceive first what are their disparities for us to have the option to associate them and resolve the reasons why clashes emerge. At the end of the day, let us take a gander at the two sides on them and settle at the center and comprehend their responses or reactions. With regards to physical appearance men has more characterized muscle structure than ladies. They are the person who are a lot of fit for lifting overwhelming things when contrasted with ladies in light of the fact that their physical limit is fit for such work. The mind structure of men is unique in relation to ladies. They have more slender corpus callosum. This is the one that associates the two parts of the cerebrum. The left half of the mind is the one answerable for scientific reasoning. What's more, this is the point at which the young men can step up to the scores of ladies since men are acceptable with numbers (Turner, 1997). With regards to sexual urges, men are more visual than ladies. Visual things can generally trigger their desires contrasted with ladies. With regards to tuning in, men ordinarily have distinctive sort of conduct. In the examination of Deborah Tannen (1990), she discovered that men will typically eye on something different while tuning in to someone. At the point when you converse with them they don't take a gander at you straight yet will be peering toward different things in the environmental factors. She additionally found at his examination that even at the improvement of men will remain as the proof of the fact that they are so unique to ladies. They as a rule set up holding with different young men with physical exercises; they don't make talking as a mechanism for closeness to different young men. At the point when it terms to order making, men are more straightforward to what they need and the requests that they offer as indicated by Theiderman. She even explained that even in posing inquiry there is this line isolates men from ladies. Men are not into subtleties and will pose less inquiries. Men pose inquiries since they need to know something. Their motivation of asking is obviously to accumulate data. Ladies Genuinely, ladies have less muscle definition. Rather they are worked with the end goal of origination and hence bear the endowment of conveying their young. As to mind structure, ladies are have a thicker corpus collusom and are in this manner equipped for performing various tasks when contrasted with men. As far as sexual urges, ladies are more into contact than visuals. They are effectively excited when contacted and not simply by visuals. Regarding tuning in, ladies take a gander at their accomplices when tuning in. They set their eyes to there companions when listening since it is their method of indicating that their consideration is set to discussion. As to making orders, ladies are milder in providing orders. They for the most part use slogans and will for the most part use expresses that request affirmation yet in away proposing her own thought or requesting others to affirm with her, (Thiederman). Young ladies build up an alternate vehicle of holding with different young ladies. They enjoy their chance to talking as setting up nearer relationship with different young ladies, (Tannnen, 1990). Young ladies for the most part trade privileged insights and discussion about a consistent point when contrasted with young men. For them, on the off chance that they invest energy for chatting with other young lady

Saturday, August 22, 2020

U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish

U.S. Presentation of Independence in Spanish Coming up next is a Spanish interpretation of the U.S. Assertion of Independence; it is accepted to be in the open space. Connections are accommodated the Spanish understudy to survey a portion of the words and linguistic ideas utilized in this archive. Correlations can likewise be made with the first content of the Declaration. Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los vã ­nculos polã ­ticos que lo han ligado an otro y tomar entre las naciones de la tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza y el Dios de esa naturaleza le dan derecho, un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad exige que proclaim las causas que lo impulsan a la separaciã ³n. Sostenemos que estas verdades child evidentes en sã ­ mismas: que todos los hombres child creados iguales; que child dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre à ©stos estn la vida, la libertad y la bã ºsqueda de la felicidad; que para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen entre los hombres los gobiernos, que derivan sus poderes legã ­timos del consentimiento de los gobernados; que cuando quiera que una forma de gobierno se haga destructora de estos principios, el pueblo tiene el derecho a reformarla o abolirla e instituir un nuevo gobierno que se funde en dichos principios, y an organizar sus poderes en la forma que a su juicio ofrecer las mayores probabilidades de alcanzar su seguridad y felicidad. La prudencia, claro est, aconsejar que no se cambie por motivos leves y transitorios gobiernos de antiguo establecidos; y, en efecto, toda la experiencia ha demostrado que la humanidad est ms dispuesta a padecer, mientras los guys sean tolerables, que a hace rse justicia aboliendo las formas a que est acostumbrada. Pero cuando una larga serie de abusos y usurpaciones, dirigida invariablemente al mismo objetivo, demuestra el designio de someter al pueblo an un despotismo absoluto, es su derecho, es su deber, derrocar ese gobierno y establecer nuevos resguardos para su futura seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente sufrimiento de estas colonias; tal es ahora la necesidad que las obliga a reformar su foremost sistema de gobierno La historia del genuine Rey de la Gran Bretaã ±a es una historia de repetidos agravios y usurpaciones, encaminados todos directamente hacia el establecimiento de una tiranã ­a absoluta sobre estos estados. Para probar esto, sometemos los hechos al juicio de un mundo imparcial. El Rey se ha negado an aprobar las leyes ms favorables y necesarias para el bienestar pã ºblico. Ha prohibido a sus gobernadores sancionar leyes de importancia inmediata y apremiante, a menos que su ejecuciã ³n se suspenda hasta obtener su asentimiento; y una vez suspendidas se ha negado por completo a prestarles atenciã ³n. Se ha rehusado an aprobar otras leyes convenientes a grandes comarcas pobladas, a menos que esos pueblos renuncien al derecho de ser representados en la Legislatura; derecho que es limitless para el pueblo y awful sã ­, para los tiranos. Ha convocado a los cuerpos legislativos en sitios desusados, incã ³modos y distantes del asiento de sus documentos pã ºblicos, con la sola thought de fatigarlos para cumplir con sus medidas. En repetidas ocasiones ha disuelto las Cmaras de Representantes, por oponerse con firmeza viril a sus intromisiones en los derechos del pueblo. Durante mucho tiempo, y despuã ©s de esas disoluciones, se ha negado a permitir la elecciã ³n de otras Cmaras; por lo cual, los poderes legislativos, cuyo aniquilamiento es imposible, han retornado al pueblo, sin limitaciã ³n para su ejercicio; permaneciendo el Estado, mientras tanto, expuesto a todos los peligros de una invasiã ³n outside y a convulsiones internas. Ha tratado de impedir que se pueblen estos Estados, dificultando, con ese propã ³sito, las Leyes de Naturalizaciã ³n de Extranjeros; rehusando aprobar otras para fomentar su inmigraciã ³n y elevando las condiciones para las Nuevas Adquisiciones de Tierras. Ha entorpecido la administraciã ³n de justicia al no aprobar las leyes que establecen los poderes judiciales. Ha hecho que los jueces dependan solamente de su voluntad, para poder desempeã ±ar sus loads y en cuanto a la cantidad y pago de sus emolumentos. Ha fundado una gran diversidad de oficinas nuevas, enviando an un enjambre de funcionarios que acosan a nuestro pueblo y menguan su sustento. En tiempos de paz, ha mantenido entre nosotros ejã ©rcitos permanentes, sin el consentimiento de nuestras legislaturas. Ha influido para que la autoridad militar ocean independiente de la common y prevalent an ella. Se ha asociado con otros para someternos an una jurisdicciã ³n extraã ±a a nuestra constituciã ³n y no reconocida por nuestras leyes; aprobando sus actos de pretendida legislaciã ³n: Para acuartelar, entre nosotros, grandes cuerpos de tropas task forces. Para protegerlos, por medio de un juicio ficticio, del castigo por los asesinatos que pudiesen cometer entre los habitantes de estos Estados. Para suspender nuestro comercio con todas las partes del mundo. Para imponernos impuestos sin nuestro consentimiento. Para privarnos, en muchos casos, de los beneficios de un juicio por jurado. Para transportarnos ms all de los female horses, con el blade de ser juzgados por supuestos agravios. Para abolir en una provincia vecina el libre sistema de las leyes inglesas, estableciendo en ella un gobierno arbitrario y extendiendo sus lã ­mites, con el objeto de dar un ejemplo y disponer de un instrumento adecuado para introducir el mismo gobierno absoluto en estas Colonias. Para suprimir nuestras Cartas Constitutivas, abolir nuestras leyes ms valiosas y alterar en su esencia las formas de nuestros gobiernos. Para suspender nuestras propias legislaturas y declararse investido con facultades para legislarnos en todos los casos, cualesquiera que à ©stos sean. Ha abdicado de su gobierno en estos territorios al declarar que estamos fuera de su protecciã ³n y al emprender una guerra contra nosotros. Ha saqueado nuestros female horses, asolado nuestras costas, incendiado nuestras ciudades y destruido la vida de nuestro pueblo. Al presente, est transportando grandes ejã ©rcitos de extranjeros mercenarios para completar la obra de muerte, desolaciã ³n y tiranã ­a, ya iniciada en circunstancias de crueldad y perfidia que apenas si encuentran paralelo en las à ©pocas ms brbaras, y por completo indignas del Jefe de una Naciã ³n civilizada. Ha obligado a nuestros conciudadanos, aprehendidos en alta damage, a que tomen armas contra su paã ­s, convirtiã ©ndolos asã ­ en los verdugos de sus amigos y hermanos, o a morir bajo sus manos. Ha provocado insurrecciones intestinas entre nosotros y se ha esforzado por lanzar sobre los habitantes de nuestras fronteras a los inmisericordes indios salvajes, cuya conocida disposiciã ³n para la guerra se distingue por la destrucciã ³n de vidas, sin considerar edades, sexos ni condiciones. En cada etapa de estas opresiones, hemos pedido justicia en los tã ©rminos ms humildes: a nuestras repetidas peticiones se ha contestado solamente con repetidos agravios. Un Prã ­ncipe, cuyo caracter est asã ­ seã ±alado con cada uno de los actos que pueden definir an un tirano, no es digno de ser el gobernante de un pueblo libre. Tampoco hemos dejado de dirigirnos a nuestros hermanos britnicos. Los hemos prevenido de tiempo en tiempo de las tentativas de su poder legislativo para englobarnos en una jurisdicciã ³n injustificable. Les hemos recordado las circunstancias de nuestra emigraciã ³n y radicaciã ³n aquã ­. Hemos apelado a su innato sentido de justicia y magnanimidad, y los hemos conjurado, por los vã ­nculos de nuestro parentesco, a repudiar esas usurpaciones, las cuales interrumpirã ­an inevitablemente nuestras relaciones y correspondencia. Tambiã ©n ellos han sido sordos a la voz de la justicia y de la consanguinidad. Debemos, pues, convenir en la necesidad, que establece nuestra separaciã ³n y considerarlos, como consideramos a las dems colectividades humanas: enemigos en la guerra, en la paz, amigos. Por lo tanto, los Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amã ©rica, convocados en Congreso General, apelando al Juez Supremo del mundo por la rectitud de nuestras intenciones, en nombre y por la autoridad del buen pueblo de estas Colonias, solemnemente hacemos pã ºblico y declaramos: Que estas Colonias Unidas child, y deben serlo por derecho, Estados Libres e Independientes; que quedan libres de toda lealtad a la Corona Britnica, y que toda vinculaciã ³n polã ­tica entre ellas y el Estado de la Gran Bretaã ±a queda y debe quedar totalmente disuelta; y que, como Estados Libres o Independientes, tienen pleno poder para hacer la guerra, concertar la paz, concertar alianzas, establecer el comercio y efectuar los actos y providencias a que tienen derecho los Estados independientes. Y en apoyo de esta Declaraciã ³n, con absoluta confianza en la protecciã ³n de la Divina Providencia, empeã ±amos nuestra vida, nuestra hacienda y nuestro sagrado respect.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Retirement

Steady quest for cash, becoming showbiz royalty, transition, achieving economic wellbeing yet where is an ideal opportunity to appreciate those fulfillments? When are we to state ‘enough’? Current pace of life handicaps us to do as such. Simply work and once more. Is there any key? Possibly worth of thought would be early retirement ; what are the favorable circumstances and detriments of recently referenced activity? Initially, when we are discussing preferences. It is another beginning, an a fresh start. Individuals can manage the cost of on more what they used to. There is significantly more time for themselves (while depicting a few) companions or family. Then again nimiety of spare time causes person to feel excess. It is the fundamental driver of despondency, swamp, summed up uneasiness issue, loss of balance and numerous others. As the old decree says ‘prevention is better than cure’. Also when one resigns his post is inside scope of somebody more youthful. It is an advantage for all the general public on the grounds that early retirement is a component for decreasing joblessness which is boundless among youthful age. Dismal however obvious. Regardless of that reality it is said that ‘the more established the more experienced’ which factor is critical for the business. A few highlights of qualities can't be superceded, f. e. principles, industriousness, sensibility. As recently referenced, filling somebody's shoes it isn't evident as it might appear. As introduced above; early retirement has the two resources and downsides. It can't be decided that one are a higher priority than others, since it is essentially singular perspective including encumbrances, individual affirmations and numerous different viewpoints. ‘When you are youthful, you believe that your way is longer than old associate of yours. Is it so? ’ In my humble feeling that citation is all inclusive and unquestionably hits the point.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Everyone Is Saying About Extended Essay Samples Economics Is Wrong and Why

What Everyone Is Saying About Extended Essay Samples Economics Is Wrong and Why The concluding paragraphs should also be dependent on the result of your study. With this procedure, you are able to easily make comparisons concerning the content and duration of paragraphs. Do not compose a lengthy compound sentence if it is possible to write it as two individual sentences. Write paragraphs on each one of these points. The Benefits of Extended Essay Samples Economics Writing a protracted essay can be really demanding, and selecting a topic that doesn't align with your interests will certainly intensify the strain that accompanies the approach. If you still need more information, you can have a look at the net, but in case you already understand what things to do, you have to make certain you get started writing your essay as early as possible so you have more time to proofread and edit it. Except for selecting a topic, researching, and pinning down the most important question, i t's crucial to choose the structure as a lengthy essay must be long. Besides picking a topic, doing research and figuring out the principal question, the structure you opt for would greatly determine your degree of succeeding. Whether there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it can be too narrow. If you are in possession of an absolutely free subject, you must identify the region of your primary interest. Your answers will allow you to identify any issues, so that you can then find strategies to solve them. Don't neglect to mention the value of the topic. There are various reasons for which you may be asked to compose a protracted essay. Aside from that, there are additional things you want to understand in writing world studies extended essay. The principal issue is all about creating another page along with all the sources of quotes utilized in your extended essay. It is clear that a history teacher isn't the best match if you're writing a long definition essay about Math. An elongated essay is a sort of academic writing assignment, which success depends upon the structure. Since the introduction has to be in tandem with the remainder of your essay, it's not unusual for writers to finish the introduction as soon as they have written the conclusion. The next issue to discuss is an elongated essay format. The best method is to check through some fantastic extended essay examples. As a way to excel in a lengthy essay, the student must strategize to be able to comprehensively compose a topic. Get ready to confront the exam! What Everybody Dislikes About Extended Essay Samples Economics and Why You have to come up with your question in accordance with your subject and the chief theme. Thinking up a proper question is all about 25% of the entire battle. Your topic ought to have critical examination on issue about relevant techniques, arguments and theories of at least two subjects. To begin with, find what you actually need to explore. That way they are not as likely to neglect to incorporate a citation. It is possible to also refer to our Essay Outline Templates to supply you with a notion on how best to begin. Extended essay conclusion addresses the argument development. Psychology is a significant utility in regards to helping people jump over hurdles in practically any life situation. The research portion of the EE procedure is the most grueling, and if you don't think it's right now then you might be doing something wrong. Quite a few researchers and agencies have begun to research the matter of violence in video games and the way that it affects child behavior. To the contrary, such discoveries can increase the experiment. To reach the maximum mark, you will need to be clear and convincing. You will make mistakes in some specific areas so be certain you don't trash it after the very first try. There aren't many moments in your writing process that may make a huge difference. The perfect way to discover the structure that is appropriate for your style of writing is to check through some exemplary extended essay examples. Extended Essay Samples Economics Can Be Fun for Everyone High school isn't free in Kenya. In here, the students are given the chance to compose potential small business plans and ideas on the best way to be effective managers. Say, for instance, you're a high school student, and you should compose a 3-page essay. High school students who complete the programme receive a chance to earn their college application appear more attractive for the committee, and obtain some distinctive interdisciplinary understanding.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Obesity An Epidemic Disease Destroying Children - 884 Words

The significant numbers of overweight and obese children worldwide have increased in the recent decades and are expected to rise in the next few years. Obesity is an epidemic disease destroying children’s life in their childhood and adulthood. Children with a BMI above the 85th percentile are considered overweight and BMI above the 95th percentile are considered obese. This is a significant public health concern because more children have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, chronic disease, hypertension, and many more health problems, and also have psychosocial consequences. The big problem here is that children are increasing time spent watching television, playing videos games, eating unhealthy meals, and not being physically active. Many parents do not even have time to interact with their children because they spend too much time at work in order to become financially stable which leaves less time to devote to healthy eating and weight control. In addition, not being inf ormed or educated on the negative effects of unhealthy diets and low physical activity must be communicated to the parent and guidance is important as well. It is difficult to provide healthy food or snacks at home because most of the healthy items are expensive and many single mothers and parents cannot afford those prices and opt to buy inexpensive food and snacks. The increase in obesity among children and adolescents is rising at an alarming rate. Between the survey periods conducted by NationalShow MoreRelatedObesity : The United States1268 Words   |  6 PagesOctober, 2015 Obesity in America Over the past few decades, obesity rate has grown drastically in the United States. â€Å"A third of U.S. adults are obese† (Brady 519), placing them at a higher risk for diseases, and increased healthcare spending. It a preventable nutritional problem that affects people of all ages, gender and race, with minority groups and people of low socioeconomic status disproportionately affected. It is a multifaceted problem with many issues at its root. Obesity is the resultRead MoreHigh Fructose Corn Syrup : The Diabetic and Obesity Dangers Essay1280 Words   |  6 PagesHigh Fructose Corn Syrup: The Diabetic and Obesity Dangers Abstract: The use of high fructose corn syrup as a sweetener in various food and drink products has drastically affected the American people in the last three decades. Dominating 55% of the sweetener market because of its industrial benefits, HFCS’s increased use has caused dramatic effects in its consumers, including upsetting normal hormonal functions, destroying vital organs, nerves, and throwing off the body’s mineral balance. As theRead MoreCoca Cola Company : Destroying America s Health1360 Words   |  6 PagesCompany: Destroying America’s Health When a child is born, the parents hope that they have a better, and longer life then they did. Yet for the first time in modern US history, â€Å"Today’s children are expected to have shorter life expectancies than there parents† (Life Expectancy of U.S. Children Cut Short by Obesity). The somber realization is the result of a several decade long epidemic which threatens to poison future generations and prevent them from living long prosperous lives. The obesity rateRead MoreThe Negative Effect Of Youth Health Essay1734 Words   |  7 Pagestelevision, on the Internet, on billboards, and in magazines, that was in 1999, as media and technology evolves so does advertising; imagine the figure it would be today. Advertising is a $250-billion-year industry within 900,000 brands to sell (Children, Adolescents, and Advertising, 2006). Teenagers spend $155 billion a year, making them the most attractive costumers, hence why commercial advertisings are nearly always targete d at the youth age (Branded: the buying and selling of teenagers,Read MoreThe Dirty Truth On Fast Food1947 Words   |  8 PagesThe Dirty Truth on Fast Food The world’s reliance on the convenience of fast food restaurants has reached epidemic proportions. This dependence of the conveniences, big fast food corporations like for example, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, offer the ingredients and recipe for the decline of Earth. These hidden forces behind the obesity epidemic have grown troublesome, and if the epidemic is not taken seriously soon, it will only grow, creating an even longer list of problems throughout the worldRead MoreDisadvantages Of Fast Food1566 Words   |  7 Pagesfood will eventually lead to being overweight or obesity. Being overweight is become a little heavy above what is considered the normal weight and being obese is becoming extremely heave above what is considered the normal weight and even being overweight. Obesity has always been blamed on fast food and their restaurants, that is one of many disadvantages of fast food. Obesity rates are starting to increase around the world but mainly i n young children. These major fast food restaurants claim they areRead MoreRural Life Of China And China1122 Words   |  5 PagesChina’s rural hinterland, where half the nation’s 1.3 billion people live, incomes are, on average, less than a third of those in cities† (The New York Times). Economically, rural China depends mainly on agriculture, but socially, sex inequality and diseases prevail in this part of the country. Villages, mostly populated by the country’s ocean of elders, are getting poorer while the cities are getting richer even though the government is supposedly looking for solutions to this problem. Rural life inRead MoreContemporary Commercial Advertising Aimed At Youth Essay1758 Words   |  8 Pagestelevision, on the Internet, on billboards, and in magazines, that was in 1999, as media and technology evolves so does advertising; imagine the figure it would be today. Advertising is a $250-billion-year industry within 900,000 brands to se ll (Children, Adolescents, and Advertising, 2006). Teenagers spend $155 billion a year, making them the most attractive costumers, hence why commercial advertisings are nearly always targeted at the youth age (Branded: the buying and selling of teenagers,Read MoreThe Diabetes Epidemic895 Words   |  4 Pagesit was not able to use it correctly the body in return loses fuel (NDIC). Type I diabetes only accounts for about 5% of those affected with diabetes (Diabetes, 2011). It usually is diagnosed in younger children, however; it may occur in adults as well (Diabetes, 2011). It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system kills the insulin producing cells causing the pancreas to not produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar levels (NCID). The first symptoms of type I diabetes are: high bloodRead MoreWhat Can We Do?1526 Words   |  7 Pagesdemand, and limited supplies, companies will raise their prices to meet their profit margins. Therefore, it’s the responsibility of communities to step in and make healthier food more obtainable for majority of Americans, which will also lower high obesity rates in America. When you walk into a grocery store, or supermarket, most of the foods they have are heavily subsidized. Making them cheaper and more accessible. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, farmers growing fruits and vegetables

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Infancy Development Of A Genius - 1026 Words

Infancy: Development of a Genius Picture a baby, most will see an innocent and naà ¯ve miniature human, but it that really all there is to such creatures? Of course not, infants are geniuses from birth. Infants come into the world equipped with everything they need to survive, not on their own but with the help of their parents. Babies development in the areas of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial as well. I was fortunate enough to witness my daughter’s development as an infant, giving me firsthand knowledge. When it comes to the physical aspect of human development, infancy is the time of the greatest growth. At birth, babies come into the world with life sustaining characteristics. Some of these characteristics are called reflexes,†¦show more content†¦By the end of the sensorimotor stage, infants have developed a sense of object permanency, which is knowing that an object exists even if it cannot be seen (Ciccarelli White, 2015, p.295). My daughter walked at ten months of age and was also able to do simple shape puzzles at that age as well, but many children develop at different rates. I have a nephew born a few weeks after my daughter and I noticed it took hum more time to reach his milestones. Many parents wonder what their little baby will be like when they grow up, but what if they could tell from how their baby acts? There are three temperaments common in infants that can sometimes tell what an infant can turn out to be like throughout life. Research done by Chess and Thomas has discovered the three temperaments as: easy, difficult, and slow to warm up. Sometimes babies can display more than one of these temperaments but likely easy babies tend to be more well-adjusted, difficult babies tend to be more irritable, and slow to warm up babies can adjust to slow transitions (Ciccarelli White, 2015, p.300). My daughter was a very easy baby that didn’t demand much or have issues sleeping and she adjusts well now as a toddler. Sh e began sleeping through the night at just a few weeks old, she was never a picky eater, and she entertained herself very well. Infants are also facing other psychosocial factors. Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development explains what changes have anShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding and Developing Essay1088 Words   |  5 Pageslife. Human development occurs at different stages, throughout the life span. A child will experience many milestones from birth to toddlerhood, throughout early and middle childhood, and several theories for these milestones. Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, and Erik Erikson classify their different theories of the stages of life in three unique domains: physical, cognitive, and psychosocial/emotional. Infancy/Toddlerhood (0-3) and Domain Physical The physical domain of lifespan development is continuallyRead MoreThe Psychological Characteristics Of Breast Cancer1406 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"biological clock† which switches on (or off) types of behavior in a pre programmed way. The classic example of the way this affects our physical development are the bodily changes that occur in early adolescence at puberty. However nativists also argue that maturation governs the emergence of attachment in infancy, language acquisition and even cognitive development as a whole. At the other end of the spectrum are the environmentalists – also known as empiricists (not to be confused with the other empiricalRead MoreFreud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development Essay1272 Words   |  6 PagesFreud. Now Freud’s theory of Psychosexual Development is the philosophy I chose to discuss because it is by far in my opinion one of the silliest and most controversial of all the theories I have a chance to explore. At first glance you will totally get the wrong idea about the theory. I mean seriously, Pyscho-â€Å"sexual†, seemed kind of creepy to me. Then again, popular opinion was that Sigmund Freud was a creepy man; yes, he may have been somewhat of a genius, however he was indeed creepy. His theoryRead MoreRomanticism: 19th Century and Time Period785 Words   |  4 Pageswere used to, logic reason (Class Notes). Imagination was a gateway to spiritual truth, but romantics enjoyed exotic, mysterious and the a cult. This is where some of the horror novels were written. Paul Brians states, One of the most important developments of this period is the rise in the importance of individualism. Before the 18th Century, few Europeans concerned themselves with discovering their own individual identities(Brians 1). More people were expressing themselves, which gave them a boostRead MoreDevelopment Of Narrative, By Nathaniel Hawthorne, And Edgar Allen Poe1302 Words   |  6 PagesNatalie Andris Instructor James Kirkpatrick English 231 American Literature I 10 November 2014 Development of Narrative Short stories did not begin to develop as a dedicated, intentional genre until the early 1800s, when authors such as Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe began to attract readers with them. These authors were from the Romanticism period. Three characteristics of Romanticism are having a profound love of nature, passionate nationalism, and a fascination withRead MoreMozart s Mozart, One Of Europe s Leading Musical Teachers849 Words   |  4 Pageshis father, including instruction in both the piano and violin in his early age. At a young age he mastered keyboard and violin and amused social leaders including royalty throughout Europe. He was married and had six children but only two survived infancy. He was brought up in a roman catholic and remained there throughout his life. His greatest works religious in nature like: â€Å"Ave Verum Corpus†. Mozart was very productive until his time of death at the age of 35. Mozart became ill and his death wasRead MoreJean Piaget: Theory of Cognitive Development Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pagespsychology. Jean Piaget was one who made a contribution with his theories on the cognitive development stages. Cognitive development is the process of acquiring intelligence and increasingly advanced thought and problem-solving ability from infancy to adulthood. Piaget states that the mind of a child develops through set stages to adulthood (Famous Biographies TV Shows - The theory of cognitive development has made a significant impact throughout the history of psychology, and is still practicedRead MoreCulture and Schizophrenia1180 Words   |  5 Pagesgenetic and environments factors may be involved† (American Academy of Child amp; Adolescent Psychiatry, 2004). Childhood schizophrenia makes it difficult to diagnose, and treat. It further makes educational, emotional, and social needs, and development harder. Some factors that make children under age 17 vulnerable to the disease appears to be according to Mental Health America 2011, neurodevelopment damage resulting in delays in language and other functions prior to onset of psychotic symptomsRead MoreRonald Knoxs Commandments In Detective Fiction1365 Words   |  6 Pagesintegral in developing. Whilst Poe’s literature existed long before the establishment of Knox’s commandments, his work does still abide by many of the key mandates. It is in those that Poe’s work does not conform that we find the truth of the genres development. Knox’s commandments that do not apply within the prototype laid out by Poe are as follows. ‘The criminal must be someone mentioned in the early part of the story’, ‘the detective must not light on any clues which are not instantly produced forRead More Kathleen Parker’s Article, First Three Years Aren’t That Critical1364 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"First Three Years Aren’t That Critical†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Did your mother read to you when you were six weeks old? Did she teach you how to do math problems when you were two? Recently, I read an issue of Parenting Magazine and found an article on child development. Kathleen Parker’s article, â€Å"First Three Years Aren’t That Critical† tells us that parents today are putting to much emphasis on what the media and medical journals are saying, instead of using common sense. The article emphasizes that parents are

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Allowing Guns on Campus Will Prevent Shootings, Rape free essay sample

A graduate student leaving an evening class walks along the poorly lit sidewalk to the parking lot—it is a long, cold walk in the pitch-black night, and the student grows wary as shadows begin lurking in the distance. Suddenly, someone jumps out in front of the student, immediately threatening her with force. Before the student can react, she is raped and robbed. This is a very scary scenario, and one that happens on the SCSU campus every year. It seems like every week we get an e-mail citing another attack on students somewhere on or near campus. However, all of these attacks could be prevented if we allow students to carry guns as a means of self-defense. Although safety is my biggest concern, there are other arguments that point to this solution as well. First, it is our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Although debates have gone on about how it should be interpreted, I believe it means that if law abiding, trained and eligible citizens would like to carry a gun with them in self-defense, they should be able to. We will write a custom essay sample on Allowing Guns on Campus Will Prevent Shootings, Rape or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Right now, that does not include campus. â€Å"The law, as it stands now, does not prohibit carry on campus,† said Terence McCloskey, SCSU campus leader for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC). â€Å"It allows universities to establish rules restricting carry on campus by students and staff. † According to the March 2007 Safety and Security bulletin in section 2. 1, â€Å"Alcoholic beverages, non-regulated drugs, explosives, guns and ammunition are not permitted on SCSU property. † This rule, I believe, is a violation of my Second Amendment rights. The second reason guns should be allowed is because it will give students, such as the one in the scenario, a sense of security and comfort when they are in a normally uncomfortable situation or area. The opposition would say that although the person with the gun is comfortable, it makes others around that person uncomfortable or afraid to speak up in class. Well, let me ask you this: How often do you feel uncomfortable or scared about someone near you having a gun when you go to a movie theater? Probably not too often. However, McCloskey said that 1 percent of Minnesotans have a permit to carry guns. â€Å"That means that every time they go to a movie theater with around 200 people inside, they are sitting with two people that are carrying a gun,† McCloskey said. There are people all around us that have guns, and it seems to be handled just fine. After all, the 1 percent that do carry guns have to meet certain requirements—guns are not handed out to just anyone. Minnesota law requires everyone to have a permit in order to own a handgun, and to obtain one you must be 21 years of age, be a U. S.  citizen, have training in the safe use of a pistol, not be a felon, not have a domestic violence offense in the last 10 years, not be a person convicted of stalking, as well as many other restrictions. You can find these laws on the State of Minnesota Web site. The final reason that guns should be allowed to be carried by students who obtain a permit is that it could prevent a tragic shooting like the one at Virginia Tech a couple of years ago. â€Å"Our best and our brightest are in an unprotected environment and are essentially being led to the slaughter,† said Keith Moum in an article in the Missourian. â€Å"It’s not as graphic as that, but it clearly shows that there is an element out there that has targeted college students. † If guns had been allowed on that campus, that tragedy may have been least minimized. So, in order to make the SCSU campus and other campuses nationwide a safe, comfortable environment for everyone, we need to allow the ability to carry a gun on campus. Not only will it make a student carrying a gun feel safe, it can prevent a tragic shooting, a robbery, or a rape. It is our right. Let us exercise it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hilary Duff - free essay sample

Hilary Duff Dignity With all of the bad media coverage surrounding falling starlets these days, its refreshing to see one teen star hasnt sacrificed her dignity. Hilary Duffs album, â€Å"Dignity†, named after what seems to be lacking around Hollywood these days, is a fresh start for Duff in its new musical direction of dance floor fluff. After two albums and two multi-platinum albums filled with bubblegum, the new sound had not only updated with the ages of the fans, but with Duff herself, who demonstrated a growth of musical maturity by co-writing all but one of the song on the album. â€Å"Dignity† opens up with the single â€Å"Stranger†, an electronic groove that immediately strips any left-over â€Å"Lizzie McGuire† image still entertained in the minds of fans, while the title track derides her fellow celebrities for their loss or morals â€Å"Cant buy respect, but you can pick up that bill. We will write a custom essay sample on Hilary Duff or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † Duff shines in the beat-happy second single â€Å"With Love†, her catchiest song to date. In between the surging synths and crunching guitars, she coos, â€Å"I wanna be there for you, the way youve been there for me, always help me walk the line.† The ode to unconditional love earned unconditional praise from fans and critics alike, making the song soar to her highest chart position to date. Other songs that shine throughout the album include â€Å"Gypsy Woman† in which a piece of a historical speech is integrated; â€Å"Between You and Me†, which has tubas sounding throughout the chorus; â€Å"Happy† with a slow refrain that leads to a romping chorus; and â€Å"Play With Fire†, the first single released from â€Å"Dignity†. The album overall showcases potential for future albums and scores a few hit songs, but it suffers from a rather boring middle section that weaken the album.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Marriott International Business Analysis Essay

Marriott International Business Analysis Essay Marriott International Inc. Business Analysis Essay Marriott International Inc. Business Analysis Essay Marriott International, Inc. is a leading global lodging company headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Marriott International, Inc. has over 4,200 properties spread across 79 countries (â€Å"About Marriott International†). Besides, the company owns 19 brands that are grouped in five business segments, which include the North American Full-Service Lodging, North American Limited-Service Lodging, International Lodging, and Luxury Lodging and Timeshare (Marriott Jr. 15). Besides franchising and operating the hotels, Marriott International offers services to home and condominium owner associations for projects related to one of its brands (Marriott Jr. 28). Marriott International uses unique strategies aimed at achieving effective market share and good profitability. MARRIOT INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT The company is guided by Marriott family for almost 90 years (â€Å"About Marriott International†). The initial idea of the founders of Marriott International, Inc. was to open a root beer stand in Washington (Marriott Jr. 12). The company’s first hotel, founded in 1927, was a major achievement for Marriott family. Marriott International has become a world leading business due to its main focus is on customer relationship, growth efficiency, service offering as well as its capability to provide effective customer promotions for the hotels. The paper aims at analyzing the Marriott International Inc. and its environment. Employees Marriott International understands the importance of employees for the success of the business. Thus, the company provides a supportive environment to help its employees grow in the current job positions and build a sustainable career (Gallagher par. 1). The company follows the principle of putting people first. The company is known to be offering competitive compensation and benefits to its employees. In Marriott International, there are over 200,000 hotel employees. Together with those in the franchised properties, there are 361,000 (Gallagher par. 6). The company’s employees are not concentrated on a cool campus, but rather scattered all over the world. Owners The founder of Marriott International was J. Willard Marriott. Today, the company is led by his son, Bill Marriott, the Executive Chairman, in conjunction with Arne Sorenson, the Chief Executive Officer (Marriott Jr. 12). The Marriott family owns 30 percent of the company. The company hosts an Ownership Educational Summit twice per year to encourage hotel ownership and educate potential owners on the hospitality and tourism industry as well as the ways of attaining Marriot’s ownership and the significance of contracting strong brands for the company. Board of Directors. The board of directors of Marriott International consists of qualified personnel as discussed below (Aspen Publishers 56-77). Marriott International’s Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board is W. Marriott Jr., the son of the founder, Willard Marriott. Customers Marriott International has a broad target market (Marriott Jr. 44). However, the company’s most important target group are the business travelers or people in the business world. The company understands that people in the business industry have to travel around the world for business reasons. Thus, Marriott International offers such brands as Fairfield Inn Suites, Residence Inn, Courtyard, TownePlace Suites, and SpringHill Suites for its business clientele (Marriott Jr. 47). Competitors Marriott International faces strong competition both as a franchisor and as a lodging operator. There are approximately 872 lodging management companies in the US, with 9 of them operating over 100 properties (Marriott Jr. 56). The operators are mainly private management companies, but also include some large national chains that operate own hotels and franchise own brands. Marriott International ranks second in the market share (5.6 %) after Hilton Hotels Corporation (7.2%) (Marriott Jr. 57). Other major rivals of Marriott International in the industry include Starwood Hotels, Resorts Worldwide, Inc., and Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, which have the same market share (3.4%) (Marriott Jr. 57). Other competitors include Accor at 1.7% and the Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC, whose market share is 0.8% (Marriott Jr. 57-58). Though all the hotel properties offer similar facilities, the Hilton Hotels Corporation, the largest competitor in the industry, incorporates more leisure facilities. Secondly, Hilton Company operates its own loyalty program. Besides, unlike Marriott, Hilton has taken environmentally friendly efforts to maintain its market position (Marriott Jr. 60). Suppliers. Marriott International maintains strong relations with businesses owned by minority groups in the areas of its operation across the world, and these relations continue to grow and strengthen ( «Marriott Enlists more Diverse Suppliers† par. 1). In the past decade, the company spent 4 billion dollars with diverse suppliers ( «Marriott Enlists more Diverse Suppliers† par. The company’s suppliers from different industries include: Berman Purchasing Inc., Jupiter, Fla. (furniture, fixtures, and equipment seller); Carter Brothers, Atlanta, Ga. (security and fire alarms distributor); Eagles Koinonia Corporation, Brandon, Fla. (janitorial/cleaning services); Fairmont Designs Hospitality Group, Buena Park, Calif. (furniture designs); Garys Seafood, Orlando, Fla. (seafood distribution); Hospitality Staffing Solutions, Marietta, Ga. (temporary staffing); Land-Ron Inc., Orlando, Fla. (constructions for the company); Tronex, Parsippany, NJ. ( disposable gloves and products); Ty, Ty, Ty Inc., Miami, Fla. (takes care of the rooms/linen); TG Constructors Inc., Orlando, Fla. (constructions for the company) ( «Marriott Enlists more Diverse Suppliers† par. 3). Distributors Marriott International has one of the strongest distribution systems in the industry. The system is integrated with the revenue management, customer loyalty, ecommerce, global distribution systems, and property management systems of the company (Marriott Jr. 66). The company’s foodservice distributors include the Red Lobster restaurants, Darden Restaurants Olive Garden, and Garys Seafood, Orlando, Florida (Marriott Jr. 66). Strategic Allies Marriott International has entered a number of strategic alliances with strong world consumer brands to increase customer awareness as well as revenue and share value (Marriott Jr. 67). The company’s strategic allies include Visa USA, which entered an agreement with the company to develop novel products for leisure and business travels, joint sponsorships, and consumer and trade promotions. Next is the Rugby Football Union. The alliance with Marriott International was meant to enhance the existing relationship between the two firms (Marriott Jr. 77). Unions and Employee Associations. Of the total number of employees working for Marriott International, 11,000 of them are protected by unions (Gallagher par. 6). These organizations ensure that workers receive the right treatment at their workplaces and are equally compensated. Some examples of the unions is the International Labor Organization and Hotels, Restaurants Cafà ©s in Europe (Marriott Jr. 70). Local Communities As a recognized company that operates managed and franchised lodgings, Marriott International has various stakeholder groups that include hotel owners, shareholders, customers, suppliers, associates, industry associations, community organizations as well as governmental and non-governemntal agencies (Marriot 92). The company’s stakeholders are diverse and operate globally. Marriott has an understanding that the stakeholders are important and that their opinions, desires and needs drive the company’s stategy. Therefore, the company’s stakeholders are highly valued and are accorded utmost respect because they shape the sustainability strategy (Marriot 92). Lenders Marriott International is financed by the local commercial banks in the US (Marriott Jr. 102). However, in case of a financial crisis in the home country, the company can borrow money from a bank in the country it wishes to operate. Government Regulators The regulations encountered by Marriott International are with regards to the environment, tax, and employees (Marriott Jr. 108). In every country where Marriott International is executing its operations, there are particular rules that guide its interactions with governmental agencies and officials. The rules mainly focus on lobbying, political contributions, trade restrictions etc. Special Interest Groups Special interest groups are formed to enable members to share information related to hospitality and tourism. Marriot International is a member of special interest groups (Marriott Jr. 103). What is more, one of the chairmen of the special interest groups, Allan Tuttle, is the member of the company. Marriott International is a member of the Hospitality and Sales (SIG) group (Marriott Jr. 103). Mass Media Marriot International uses mass media to reach out to its clientele (Marriot 36). The company uses the social media such as Twitter and Facebook to create awareness of any changes in the company. Besides, it uses flyers to communicate its programmes to its customers. Lastly, the company uses utility bills such as eGifts to enhance its customers’ experiences (Marriot 36). GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Economic Forces Marriot International is affected by economic factors such as recession and ecomomic turmoil in Europe (Marriott Jr. 75). Events such as debt crisis have reduced the buying power of customers and their ability to travel. This affects Marriott International heavily, as its operations depend on travelling trends. Another economic problem facing Marriott International is that the US dollar faces high exchange rate overseas (Marriott Jr. 75). This discourages foreign visitors from travelling to the US. The high exchange rates discourage business travels as well. Sociological Forces. The demand for the products in the tourism and hospitality industry is influenced by sociological factors. In the modern world, people enjoy travelling and exploring new places. Due to technological advancements and improvements in the transportation system, travelling has been made easy. The desire to attain a distinctive atmosphere has become an important concern for managers in the hospitality industry. Employees in the industry offer personal services to customers so as to retain them (Sung Chon and Yu 77). Marriott International is characterized by its strategy of ensuring customer satisfaction to guarantee a return visit (Renner 7). It is also is expanding its travel network across the world (Marriott Jr. 72). Demographic Forces The demographic forces entail characteristics such as age, gender, religion, education, income, among others. The hotel industry targets people of all ages (Marriott Jr. 55-56). The company targets the highly paid in the society; however, it also takes into consideration the lowly paid who have a passion for travelling (Marriott Jr. 54). Marriott International has to ensure that it has a tier to every income group so as to remain competitive in the industry. The company has ranks of hotels in specific areas that rely on the wants and needs of the customers of all groups. For example, the company’s brands such as Fairfield Inn Suites have free Wi-Fi and business centers with PC and printing services to help its customers to remain entertained and productive. Besides, the rooms are fitted with accessible high-speed Internet, guest rooms with a conducive work area, and separate living and sleeping areas. The brand SpringHill Suites is spacious, has style, and is affordably price d to attract both the high and low income earners (Marriott Jr. 57). Political/ Legal Forces Marriott International operates in a country that remains politically stable. Further, the growing prosperity of its populace continues to provide a concrete foundation for sustained growth that will prompt the confidence of investors in the hotel industry that results in investments for the company (Marriott Jr. 87). Research indicates that developments in the hotel industry result in stable taxes for the government. In turn, it becomes easy for foreign investors to get licensed to operate in the country. The unpredictable and volatile situations in the political environment of a host market increases risk and uncertainty, thus pushing potential investors away. There are laws and regulations that control business operations in every country. Marriott International understands the role of such rules, and it has acted accordingly both in the past and currently. The company understands that every political system is different and it needs to be addressed. Marriott International is reported to have always followed the set of rules specific for certain countries such as policies concerning low-fat food, smoking policies etc. (Marriott Jr. 87). International Forces Today, the world of business is more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. Evidently, all decisions facing international managers regarding whom to hire, which technologies to adopt, how to market their products locally and internationally among others are influenced by the business environment of the country in which a company operates. Marriott International has had to confront the legal, cultural and political issues specific for the countries of operation in developing strategies to enter the local market (Marriott Jr. 115). The issues include encouraging government’s fiscal policy, a conducive environment for business that offers investment incentives, effective and sustainable marketing and promotions, as well as policies that are in agreement with the local communities and cultures. Marriott International has been able to succeed in business because it not only complies with the rules of its home country, but also with the laws and regulations of the host countries in which it operates. The international laws have influenced the markets that the company can serve, the prices it should charge for the products, as well as the costs of inputs such as labor, technologies, and raw materials (Marriott Jr. 115). Besides, the political environment and the legal system in the international market have affected the location of hotel suites for Marriott International. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is defined as a structured planning technique used for evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a business venture. For Marriott International, SWOT Analysis presents the actual picture of its business operations. Strengths Marriott International is a universally recognized leader in the hospitality industry. The company has strong brand equity with an Internet presence and sufficient IT solutions. The company has been attentive to specialized market segments and brand differentiation. Marriott International has a strong market position because of its expanded and diversified business across the globe. Marriott International has a large market share in the industry as it provides a wide range of high-quality products and services to its customers. Marriott International boasts a strong customer relationship. Its ability to offer satisfying products and services to its clientele has helped the company earn customer loyalty. Weaknesses The Marriot International Company is over-dependent upon luxury brands in the United States’ market. The company lacks low-cost lifestyle brands that are now gaining popularity in the developing nations. As a result of its huge expansions in business, Marriott International is becoming weak in its management system. Marriott International is facing backwardness in infrastructure, especially in management of information technology. Due to its huge debts, the market share of Marriott International is declining. Marriott International operates in a highly concentrated industry. As such, there is a high rate of competition, and customers have a variety of substitute products. Opportunities Marriot International can try to merge its firms and businesses across the world, particularly those in the European countries. Joining the businesses together will help the company regain its power in the market. Studies reveal a considerable growth in the tourism industry and Asian travel. The low-cost market segment is trending, and Marriot International can benefit from capturing the segment through investment. Environmentally friendly operations and eco-tourism can have significant success in helping Marriott International gain its position in the marketplace. Marriott International has the opportunity to enhance its business and grow its services in the market to achieve more customers’ loyalty. Marriott International should take the necessary steps to grow in the market. For example, the company can improve its direct marketing plans such as in the advertisement to ensure its content for the ads is relevant to capture more customers. Threats In the contemporary world, the element of timeshare is losing its charm. Economic problems in Europe are affecting consumer spending. This is because the crisis have affected the travelling ability and purchasing power of the customers. The risk posed by political instabilities in some countries and government involvement are creating tensions for the company because of its hotels operating in the countries. The economic recessions in some countries may pose a threat to the company, since this will influence the prices that the company should charge for its products as well as the cost of labor, technologies, and raw materials. MISSION STATEMENT â€Å"To enhance the lives of our customers by creating and enabling unsurpassed vacation and leisure experiences.† (Marriott Jr. 6). VISION STATEMENT â€Å"To become the premiere provider and facilitator of leisure and vacation experiences in the world.† (Marriott Jr. 6-7). COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES In its primary line of operation, Marriott International employs strong competitive strategies that have enabled it to maintain its competitive advantage over its rivals in the mature hotel industry (Renner 5). Since it has been established, Marriott International has believed in a continued long-term success achieved by over 80 years of experience, customer preference, strong brands, as well as an effective business model. As mentioned earlier, the portfolio of the company consists of over 4,200 properties in more than 80 countries across the world (†About Marriott International†). By 2009, about 137,000 employees had been part of the company’s workforce that helped generate sales of 11 billion dollars, a figure that was projected to continue increasing in subsequent years (Renner 9). Irrespective of the many challenges faced by Marriott International such as the global recession, inflation and international forces that have cut back on travel, the company has been able to remain on top through the use of extraordinary customer service. Marriott International focuses on the use innovative technical programs and technology to enhance the customers’ experience (Marriott Jr. 98). By so doing, Marriott International has been able to differentiate itself from its rivals and attain a strong competitive position. Besides, the company owns a center piece programme, Marriotts Automated Reservation Systems for Hotel Accommodations (MARSH), which ensures customers receive personalized attention (Marriott Jr. 98). In a nutshell, Marriott International’s competitive strategy is a hard mode of operation that rivals in the industry strive to match. Marriott international is a globally recognized brand that manages and franchises lodgings and hotels. The paper has performed an analysis of the company and its environments. From the analysis, Marriott International operates in a highly concentrated industry where completion is quite high. The main competitor for the company is Hilton Hotels Corporation. Despite the competition in the industry, Marriott has been able to maintain its position and become a world leading business through the use of its unique competitive strategies. The company’s main focus has been excellent customer service and growth efficiency.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Information Systems Analysis (case study analysis) Essay

Information Systems Analysis (case study analysis) - Essay Example Furthermore, the new automated system called Equipment Check-Out System (ECS) will help the Maintenance Department improve their services to the maintenance personnel as well as create timely reports and analytics required by management. The purpose of this baseline project plan report is to evaluate the needs of GB Manufacturing in the development of an Equipment Check-Out System (ECS) and determine the feasibility of integrating and implementing such system into their business processes. This project plan shall serve as a resolution to management and shall also serve as a guide to the ECS development team. The report is a preliminary investigation of developing the Equipment Check-Out System into the business processes of GB Manufacturing, specifically the Maintenance Department Equipment Depot Section. This project plan covers the identified problems, opportunities, management directives and recommendations. The baseline project plan report is written in three sections. First section is an investigation on the needs in developing a system that manages equipment check-in and check-out. Second section is the evaluation of the feasibility of developing an ECS. The last section is focused on the project management issues and proposed development methodologies. The equipment depot operation in the Maintenance Department of GB Manufacturing is experiencing several problems in terms of lost and stolen equipments. It is the primary function of the equipment depot to provide the necessary equipments required by the maintenance employees. However, the estimated amount of lost and stolen equipments exceed $50,000 worth of tools each year. In order to address the alarming issue of losses, the management and the Maintenance Department has two options. First alternative involves the improvement the existing manual

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Critically evaluate a specific issue related to the management of Essay

Critically evaluate a specific issue related to the management of paediatric patients with a systemic malignancy - Essay Example emic malignancy treatment in children have indicated that the treatment has particular adverse impacts that present years following the initial treatment termed as late effects. From the conclusions of the reviewed literature, it becomes clearer that management of childhood systemic malignancies have late effects on them as they grow and develop. This paper will seek to discuss the late effects that result from the management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors on pediatric patients, in this case regarding their neuro-cognitive development. In addition, because the neuro-cognitive deficits resulting from systemic malignancy management will cause psychosocial deficits, these will also be discussed as part of the paper. Finally, the paper will also briefly discuss how these late effects can be managed to improve the lives of the pediatric patients in later life, which is important because it is recognised that survivors of childhood systemic malignancy need follow-up care. The care model for pediatric systemic malignancy patients revolves around a risk-based approach that incorporates risks based on co-morbid health conditions and lifestyle behaviours (Carroll & Finlay 2010, p. 45). Deficits in neuro-cognitive function are commonly experienced by survivors of childhood systemic malignancy, manifesting in various domains such as language, visual-spatial skills, verbal memory, psychomotor skills, processing speed, executive functioning, concentration, and attention. While Bottomley & Kassner (2003, p. 129) contend that it has also been found that these deficits manifest across academic performance and intellectual functioning, it is important to note that these deficits are only limited to systemic malignancies like brain tumors and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. From the reading, it is probable that this is mostly caused by treatment directed at the CNS and the irreparable damage caused to a growing CNS, which results in neuro-cognitive deficits in later

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Inter Textual Synthesis Essay Essay Example for Free

Inter Textual Synthesis Essay Essay Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, centers around the theme of discovering oneself. The book shows readers the world of Edna Pontellier and gives them a window into her numerous insecurities and hesitations. Throughout the book, Edna attempts to become the opposite of the stereotypical women of her time. She chooses to be herself instead of the socially acceptable role she is expected to be. Additionally, Natasha Tretheway’s poem â€Å"Domestic Work† and Bobby Coles’ poem â€Å"Finding Yourself† attack the issues of independence, relationships, and gender. These two poems in combination with The Awakening strive to challenge the status quo of women everywhere. In the 19th century, women were expected to be domestic goddesses. As a married woman, it was important to be a positive influence on her husband and children, but was still expected to address to her husband as the head of the household. These restrictions had many women, including Edna in The Awakening, feeling trapped. Some women felt the need to become their own person, as opposed to the woman they were expected to become. In the poem, â€Å"Domestic Work†, the reader is given a preview of a typical woman in the 1930’s: â€Å"She beats time on the rugs, blows dust from the broom like dandelion spores, each one a wish for something better. † (Trethewey 23-26). The poem displays the monotonous life of women in the 19th century, and how some women desired something more. Edna, from The Awakening, is included in the category of women who longed for a life beyond household chores. In both The Awakening and â€Å"Domestic Work†, independence and a woman’s relationships are subjects of choice. Edna feels that she should be able to be free and independent. She wants to make her own choices about men and decide on her own who she loves without anyone else’s opinion influencing her choice. When Edna starts to lose the feelings she once had for her husband, she falls for Robert Lebrun. In fact, Edna had no intention to marry Leonce to begin with; â€Å"Her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an accident, in this respect resembling many other marriages which masquerade as the decrees of Fate† (Chopin 23). Edna desires to have freedom. Robert wants a marriage with Edna, which conflicts with what she wants. Her feelings for Robert are strong but Robert has mature feelings for Edna, eyond what she feels for him. Though Edna wishes she could say the same, her love for him is more an infatuation-not true love. â€Å"As Edna walked along the street she was thinking of Robert. She was still under the spell of her infatuation. She had tried to forget him, realizing the inutility of remembering. But the thought of him was like an obsession† (Chopin 71). In the end, Edna realizes she cannot have both independence and true love. She decides to keep Robert out of her life and ends up drowning herself because of the internal conflict she has endured. In the poem â€Å"Finding Yourself†, author Bobby Coles explains that a person has to reach inside himself/herself in order to discover who he/she is. Similarly, Edna and the woman in â€Å"Domestic Work† are enduring their own journey. In Coles’ poem, he intentionally writes without specificity of gender, therefore making the poem easily relatable to readers of any gender. Coles uses descriptive language to create an image of what it is like to go through the process of finding yourself like Edna and the woman in Domestic Work did. â€Å"When are you most comfortable? Are you being true to yourself? You are in there somewhere. Judge on your own. Listen not to others. Look in the mirror. See beyond the image† (Coles 35-41). Coles encourages readers to not be influenced by the opinions of others, and instead, judge for themselves. In each text, the idea of taking your life in your own hands is present. Each of the poems and The Awakening displays themes of gender, relationships and independence. These themes help shape the stories and give the reader a greater understanding of the messages, as well as make connections to each of the characters.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaires

Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide    In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.   Voltaire successfully criticizes religion, the military, and the philosophy of optimism.   Religious leaders are the targets of satire throughout Candide. Voltaire portrays the religious clergy as men who use their positions to further their own causes. In addition, the priests keep the less fortunate oppressed, so the clergy members can continue to enjoy extravagant luxuries. Candide discovers the young Baron, whom he thought to be dead, living among the Jesuit Priests of Paraguay. Assuming the native people must be thriving under the protection of these religious/military leaders, Candide believes this to be a most pleasant place to live. However, he soon discovers that the religious leaders are pilfering the resources of the natives. The young Baron is found eating from golden bowls while the native people live in poverty with very little food. Th... Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide    In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.   Voltaire successfully criticizes religion, the military, and the philosophy of optimism.   Religious leaders are the targets of satire throughout Candide. Voltaire portrays the religious clergy as men who use their positions to further their own causes. In addition, the priests keep the less fortunate oppressed, so the clergy members can continue to enjoy extravagant luxuries. Candide discovers the young Baron, whom he thought to be dead, living among the Jesuit Priests of Paraguay. Assuming the native people must be thriving under the protection of these religious/military leaders, Candide believes this to be a most pleasant place to live. However, he soon discovers that the religious leaders are pilfering the resources of the natives. The young Baron is found eating from golden bowls while the native people live in poverty with very little food. Th...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Rickshaw and Tenant

Relationship between an owner of the asset and his tenant. Introduction: This case study revolves around a man who is working as an auto rickshaw driver in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. He belongs to a poor family. So he has chosen to drive auto rickshaw in the suburbs of the city. He is actually working as a tenant for his owner. His owner has given him his asset and requires a fixed amount of money in return on daily basis. The name of the auto rickshaw driver is Mohammad Slam. He is 38 years old. He is basically a driver by profession. He has been driving an auto rickshaw from the last two years.Before coming into this field, he was working as a chauffeur for a family. He was quite happy working there but unfortunately he had to dismiss that Job as that family had moved abroad. Since he had no other work related to his field, so he decided to drive auto rickshaw in the main city. He lives in a rented house in the area of Model town, Lahore. He is married and has three children. He has to feed four persons in his family. Problems/Challenges of the tenant: According to M. Slam, he is surviving from hand to mouth. Whatever he earns, he spends it too quickly. He doesn't have any savings with him.He has four dependents that he has to look after. He said that his family is happy with him but he is not satisfied with his Job. He earns quite less as far as his expectations are concerned. He wants to start his own business. He believes that he can stay happy and earn more only if he does his own business. By working under this profession, he earns less. Sometimes he can't pay off his children's school fees. So this also creates a lot of problems for the tenant. He also complained that he has to bear all the expenses of the vehicle. All the repairing and maintenance charges are borne by the tenant.In case of any loss or accident, the tenant has to pay for those expenses. The petrol and C. N. G costs are also borne by the tenant. If expenses exceed RSI. 500 then the ow ner has to pay for that. There is also no written agreement or contact between the tenant and his owner. The owner trusted this guy and handed over his vehicle to him. There is only a verbal agreement between the two parties. Opinion of the owner: The owner of the asset is quite satisfied with the tenant because he gets RSI. 300 on daily basis. He earns RSI. 9000 from his auto rickshaw on monthly basis.He doesn't eave to worry much because he has to get his fixed amount from his tenant whether he has earned or not. Business outcomes: The tenant is not happy with this contract as he earns less. The owner is happy because he gets paid whether there is any earning or not. There is also no written contract between the two parties. There is no evidence available of this contract. There can be many learning outcomes derived out of this case study. In order to make this owner-tenant relationship better and strong, there should be a proper written agreement or a contract between the two par ties.Both the parties should eave evidence in writing. In case of any mishap or loss, they could show the written evidence to the respective authorities. Also, the owner should understand the nature of work of the tenant. He should show some leniency towards his tenant. The fixed amount of money should be less and it should be agreed upon the two parties. The tenant should be happy with the agreed amount as well the owner. Both the parties should be happy with this contract. The relationship between the two parties can be improved more if the owner takes the security of the tenant. He should minimize the rental amount.He should understand the problems faced by the tenant. He should support his tenant in every possible way. Finance facilities should be provided to the tenant so that he faces less problems in his life. Banks and specialized institutions should provide micro financing facilities to such tenants so that they can enjoy working in their profession. Owners are happy in thi s relationship but the tenants are not happy. They can remain happy if their financial burden is minimized. So the government should really consider this point as the number of tenants are increasing day by day in our country.Case Study no. 2 Relationship between an owner and a female tenant. This case study is about a woman, Near Bibb, who is working as a tenant. She is of 50 years of age. She has been working as a tenant for about six years. Her work is to sit on a permitted ground and sell roasted grams and beards. She is authorized to sit on that area and the permission is granted by her owner. She is married and has six children, four daughters and two sons. Two of her elder daughters and a son is married. She has to feed her three younger children. Her husband doesn't cooperate with her and doesn't give her any money.He is involved in drugs so she has left him. She works independently and feed hers three children. Her married son also doesn't give her any money. She is the sol e earner in her house at the moment. She comes from the Karol Road and lives in a rented house. Problems/Challenges faced by the tenant: She has to travel from her home to her work daily and gives RSI. 40 for one trip. That meaner she has to bear a total of RSI. 80 of the traveling expenses on a daily basis. She pays his owner RSI. 200 per day which makes RSI. 6000 a month. She is surviving from hand to mouth.She is the only person who is earning for her family. His husband doesn't support her at all as he is involved in drugs and bad vices. Near Bibb is not well physically. She had undergone a surgery. She said that all the medicines expenditure is also borne by her. She spends RSI. 2500 monthly on her medicines. Woman. She comes at 9 0 clock in the morning and goes back around at 6 pm in the evening. Her Job is really tough but still she has to do it as there is no other source of income. She also said that the workers working in her nearby are all good people and they've never te ased or disturbed her ever.She also said that she wanted to go broad and live there happily as she earned less here in Pakistan. The owner is quite happy with this contract because he gets paid on a fixed amount on daily basis. He earns RSI. 6000 from this agreement in a month. He is satisfied with his tenant because she is an honest working woman. He is very lenient with his tenant. Even if she has not earned much, he agrees to take less amount as well. He is very cooperative. Business Outcomes: The owner is happy with this relationship but the tenant is not happy. She faces a lot of financial problems. Her expenses exceed her income.She has to pay for her medical expenses as well. She feed three of her children. She has no one to support in her family. But she is satisfied with her owner because even if she doesn't earn Upton the agreed amount, her owner doesn't say her anything and agrees to take whatever she has earned in a day. Learning Outcomes: There should be a written contr act between the owner and his tenant. There should be written evidence. The owner should understand the problems of his tenant. Both the parties should agree upon a fixed amount which is accepted by the tenant. There should be no work load on the tenant.The tenant has chosen to work in a busy area here she can get more customers. So this could also be a learning point. She did not work near her residential area but she chose to work in a more commercial area in order to get more customers. She hardly manages to pay RSI. 80 as her traveling expense daily so that she can work in an area where she could earn more. Case Study no. 3: The relationship between owner of the asset and his tenant. This case study is about a young tenant who is twenty four years old. His name is Shaded. He is driving an auto rickshaw on rental basis. He has been into this profession since the last six months.He is Just a starter. When we interviewed him, we came to know that he has come from a very poor backgr ound. His parent couldn't afford education for him. That's why he had no other choice left and he thought of is into a contract with his owner since the last six months. He lives with his family and is not married yet. Thus he has to take responsibility of his parent's and siblings only. Problems faced by the tenant: Shaded said that he earns around more than RSI. 8000 in a month. His owner acquires a rent of RSI. 300 daily from him. That meaner he has to pay his owner a total of around RSI. 9000 per month whether he earns or not.The owner will acquire this amount from him at any cost. The tenant also claimed that if he fails to pay him the required amount, his owner wouldn't show any leniency. Rather he might throw him out of this contract. The tenant complained that his earnings were less according to his salary expectations. He doesn't earn much. He has to feed six member of his family and has to look after their wants and needs as well. It is really difficult to even provide two meals per day to his family members. He is surviving in his life from hand to mouth. The tenant protested that his Job is really tough.He works more than ten hours in a day. He also said that there are no fixed timings in this Job. Sometimes he has to drive the auto rickshaw day and night. But still he is not happy with his Job. He has to bear all the repairs and maintenance cost of the vehicle as well. He also has to bear all the petrol and gasoline expenses. The owner of the asset is happy and satisfied as long as he is receiving the rent on time. The owner doesn't have any problems with his tenant. He says that his tenant's behavior is quite good. His relationship can improve with his tenant only if he gives rent to him on time.If we give a deep insight into this contract, we come to see that the owner is quite happy with this relationship but the tenant is not happy at all. Tenant is earning less according to his expectations. He doesn't have any savings at all. Whatever he ear ns spends it. Thus we can say that the tenant is not happy with this contract. He is not at all excited when he goes to work. This Job serves as a compulsion for him as he has no other option. The owner of the asset is happy because he is earning good. But the tenant is not happy. The basic learning outcome that comes out be is that the owner should show mom leniency to the tenant.If the tenant cannot pay the required amount to his owner on time due to some problem, the owner shouldn't threaten him that he would fire him from the Job. Instead the owner should understand the problems of the tenant. If the tenant asks for some leniency from his owner's side, he should show it. If the tenant cannot pay the required rent or if he earns less in a day, the owner should take whatever he gets from him. He shouldn't argue with his tenant in this matter. The government also shouldn't charge any amount from the rickshaw drivers charges should be borne by the owner himself.There should be a wri tten agreement between the two parties so that they possess some evidence of this contract. Case Study no. 4: The relationship between an owner of the asset and a tenant. This case study revolves around a man named Hosannas who is working as a tenant and drives wagon on rental basis. He is thirty three years old. He has been into this profession from the last two years. His monthly earnings vary from time to time. Sometimes he earn more and sometimes less. He doesn't have a fixed salary. But he said that he earns more than eight thousand rupees in a month. He is a citizen ofLahore and has a house of himself. He is happily married and has one kid. He said that he has only two dependents in his family. He doesn't have much burden on his shoulders as he has to feed only two family members. This case study was a bit different and interesting as the tenant was quite satisfied with his Job. He earned well and said that his earnings matched up to his expectations. He has to work for more t han ten hours in a day. He also said that his job is tough but he still finds it interesting. He said that this Job is the only source of earnings for him so he has to work with full interest.He is very excited when he goes to work daily. The only problem he faced in his profession was the toughness of his job. His relationship with his owner is also good. His owner treats him fairly. His owner is happy with him if he pays the rent on time. The tenant is happy sometimes with the way his Job is going. He also manages easily with his current salary. The owner of the asset is satisfied with the tenant. The tenant behaves with him in a very polite manner. They never argue with each other. The owner is happy with this Both the owner and the tenant are quite satisfied with this contract.Their needs and wants are being fulfilled to an extent. They can improvise this relationship even more if they remain in good terms and behave with each other properly. Both the parties should understand e ach other's problems and support in business matters. The owner should remain lenient with his tenant. He should understand his nature of Job and its related problems as well. He shouldn't put a burden on him. He shouldn't be strict with him. He should let his tenant work with ease. This case study order to strengthen this relationship, both the parties should sign a written agreement of this contract.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Choice Of A Higher Education - 976 Words

The Choice of a Higher Education Many have argued on different sides of going to college if it is worth the price of tuition and if it will help students get a job after high school. In the past couple of years, two articles have been posted online around the idea of getting a higher education and what it really means to get one. The first, â€Å"My View: Should everyone go to college?† by Mike Rose, originally written online published by CNN’s School of Thought. In his article, Rose asks his readers to look at the idea of going to college and the experiences of college as well as the opportunities of getting a higher education for future jobs. In the second article, â€Å"What value really means in higher education† by Karen R. Lawrence, published online by The Hechinger Report an Independent Education News. Lawrence writes to her audience, faculty of the college and prospective students, to explain the qualities of higher education as well as what it can do fo r future students. Lawrence’s article is more likely to persuade readers to change their minds about choosing to go college than Rose because she is able to show her presence and importance in her writing, use lots of reasoning behind her argument to add a serious tone to her article, and add enough passion into her argument to be convincing towards her readers. As the President of Sarah Lawrence College, Karen R. Lawrence is able to connect with the readers by expressing her authority as the president of the college, andShow MoreRelatedMy Choice for Growing through Higher Education Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesGrowth is unpredictable, complicated, and completely dependent upon our experiences. It is nuanced and the layers are added either by necessity or by choice. Furthering my education is growth by choice. My ultimate goal is a Doctorate in Public Administration. As a penultimate step, I am eager to earn a Master’s in Public Administration with a specialization i n Government Administration. 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